





这次托福考试写作部分整体难度适中。综合重复了2020年12月20日的老题;独立重复了20191012日、202011月1日考试以及2021年1月 和3月家考的原题





综合写作考查历史考古类,重复 2020/12/20考题





1. 用船运输

2. platform-and-roll system

3. 被冰川带往当地



1. 石头很难通过船运运送到当地,从山上取石头再运到海里,这个操作难度非常大

2. 单颗石头重量已经十分惊人,无法通过wooden roll运送

3. 冰川里面的石头和巨石阵石头来源不同




The materials mainly discuss how the huge stones were transported to the Stonehenge site in England. While the author presents three theories about the modes of transportation, the professor believes that all of the assumptions in the reading are not convincing.

Firstly, the author speculates that boats were used to carry the stones to the site. However, the professor considers this speculation to be short of cogency because it was drastically difficult to drag the stones to the boats in the ocean from the mountains, let alone shipping the huge-sized stones an enormous distance from Wales to the vast Sablisbury plains in England.

Secondly, the writer proposes a platform-and-roll system for the stone shipment. In fact, according to the professor, each stone is excessively heavy, and could not be pulled successfully by the wood rolls then. Moreover, the sledges did not work well for climbing the mountain slopes. Therefore, the second inference in the reading passage is also rendered incredible by the professor.

Finally, the author reckons that the giant stones travelled to the Stonehenge site by glaciers. This is also rebutted by the professor who claims that no evidence could be given to support this statement in the reading. In fact, the stones found in glaciers originate from mountains which are different from those offering stones for Stonehenge. Hence, the third argument in the reading is still overturne

The materials mainly discuss how the huge stones were transported to the Stonehenge site in England. While the author presents three theories about the modes of transportation, the professor believes that all of the assumptions in the reading are not convincing.

Firstly, the author speculates that boats were used to carry the stones to the site. However, the professor considers this speculation to be short of cogency because it was drastically difficult to drag the stones to the boats in the ocean from the mountains, let alone shipping the huge-sized stones an enormous distance from Wales to the vast Sablisbury plains in England.

Secondly, the writer proposes a platform-and-roll system for the stone shipment. In fact, according to the professor, each stone is excessively heavy, and could not be pulled successfully by the wood rolls then. Moreover, the sledges did not work well for climbing the mountain slopes. Therefore, the second inference in the reading passage is also rendered incredible by the professor.

Finally, the author reckons that the giant stones travelled to the Stonehenge site by glaciers. This is also rebutted by the professor who claims that no evidence could be given to support this statement in the reading. In fact, the stones found in glaciers originate from mountains which are different from those offering stones for Stonehenge. Hence, the third argument in the reading is still overturned.

The materials mainly discuss how the huge stones were transported to the Stonehenge site in England. While the author presents three theories about the modes of transportation, the professor believes that all of the assumptions in the reading are not convincing.

Firstly, the author speculates that boats were used to carry the stones to the site. However, the professor considers this speculation to be short of cogency because it was drastically difficult to drag the stones to the boats in the ocean from the mountains, let alone shipping the huge-sized stones an enormous distance from Wales to the vast Sablisbury plains in England.

Secondly, the writer proposes a platform-and-roll system for the stone shipment. In fact, according to the professor, each stone is excessively heavy, and could not be pulled successfully by the wood rolls then. Moreover, the sledges did not work well for climbing the mountain slopes. Therefore, the second inference in the reading passage is also rendered incredible by the professor.

Finally, the author reckons that the giant stones travelled to the Stonehenge site by glaciers. This is also rebutted by the professor who claims that no evidence could be given to support this statement in the reading. In fact, the stones found in glaciers originate from mountains which are different from those offering stones for Stonehenge. Hence, the third argument in the reading is still overturned.



新闻类,重复2019年10月12日、2020年11月1日考试以及2021年1月 和3月家考

Nowadays, there are many different kinds of news and stories on newspapers for people to read or listen to. It is helpful for people if they take a break from reading or listening to the news. Do you think it is beneficial for people to stop reading or listening to the news for a period of a few days or a week? Why or why not?









 (2)很多news都是fake news,等一等反而会看到反转或真相。



Hardly a day goes by without any news. Whether a news item is uplifting or depressing, sensational or trivial, they are delivered to people of all ages by a variety of media across the world. Some people are fed up with the overwhelming pieces of news and feel it stressful to follow what is happening every day. My opinion most closely aligns with the statement that it is beneficial for them to stop reading news for a few days.

The opposition to the suspension of reading news stems from a common worry that people may miss the news that has an impact on their life. It is true that these reported things that are happening may affect their community in various ways. Some of the news might involve local elections or introduction of new policy, while other stories might concern special events, such as the unveiling of bridges or a new stadium, opening of new businesses, or temporary closure of expressway. Getting such information allows people to get ready for the upcoming activities, take advantage of new facilities or change their plans or transport routes if necessary. Thus, they attach great importance to reading news every day.

However, when people feel that the news items are boring and draining the interest out of them, they had better halt for a while. Continuously doing something that they do not favor can deepen people’s distaste toward it and increase their sense of anxiety and stress, to the detriment of their motivation for persisting in that activity for long. Therefore, taking a break when necessary is sensible and advisable. With respect to the consequence of stopping reading news for a few days, worry is redundant. Important as some pieces of news are, stopping browsing them for a period would exert limited or even no influence on people’s life in most cases. If a piece of important news indeed concerns people’s life, it would reach them ultimately in a variety of ways other than the news reports. Their friends, neighbors or colleagues would be very glad to use the headlines as a conversation starter. Hence, people can feel safe to escape from news media for some days, taking a break, relieving the stress and retrieving their curiosity.

Furthermore, suspending news reading for a while is advantageous for people to deliberate. Some people read news with the aim of broadening their horizon or developing thinking skills. Nevertheless, in this age of information explosion, the quantity of news people read is so overwhelming that little can leave clear impression on readers for long. Via scrolling the news webpage or flipping the newspapers quickly, people usually swallow the information and forget it very soon since they do not have enough time to ponder over the news. A relevant survey shows that people cannot retell the details of most news they read one or two weeks ago. Thus, what they can learn from the news is much less than a book they read carefully or an activity that brings them a great touch. Hence, if people stop reading or listening to news for a period, making good use of their time to reflect on what they have already known, or get insight into a good book, chances are high that they can learn more.  

In the light of the above-discussed, retreating from news reading for some days is conspicuously beneficial because it can help people to reduce stress and get more time for meditation without rendering their life troubles.

(581 words 李敏老师原创)

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